Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Sparkle of February's Winter Days

DSC02759 It’s 5 degrees this morning, another cold snap here in the Mid West. By February, I begin to hunger and crave for more sunshine and its warmth on my face. The light has returned today.

Can you feel it? Its brilliance is magnified and reflected off each delicate crystal,carefully nestled together by the last snowfall.


The shadows of mid winter are getting a little longer each day. I asked my husband if noticed he is not driving home in the dark anymore. It happens so slowly, one can ignore the obvious.

I love listening to the birds in nearby bushes busily chattering away, as I invade their trusted space. Upon returning from Fast Eddy’s morning walk,they scatter to the trees, frightened by this big furry bundle of energy, who,invigorated by all he has seen and smelled, rolls back in forth in the snow.


DSC02752By mid day, the sun begins to thaw the snow making it a delicious frozen liquid dripping off the eaves, pinging through the down spout, and slowly spreading out across the sidewalk.

DSC02753 I am waiting for the late winter days when I can sit on the deck with my face pointed skyward and soak in some sun, pretending it is summer.

 I am reminded that a sunny day, like today, is when the sap in the trees is teased and will soon begin to rise through the roots of the hardwoods.

 Ahhh, a vast space of perfect, unblemished snow, just waiting for something to plunk down in it, scattering the flakes outward. A snow field, that in a few months will be transformed from white to green and adorned with the colorful jewels of spring and summer.  Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

  1. Great shots however I am waiting impatiently for springtime to raise it's long awaited head, brrr.
