Thursday, January 6, 2011

THE BIG 6-0!

My mom and I were talking on the phone about 3 weeks ago and she mentioned that I was turning 60, I almost dropped the phone in shock. Oh my gosh and YIKES, I was!  Where had the time gone? I was suddenly NOT looking forward to this next birthday.
In retrospect, I can remember getting excited about reaching double digits, the teen years and then at 16,  being able to drive. At 18, I was a senior in high school and ready to make the break from home. When I was able to step foot in a bar and have that first drink, in public, I was 21 and graduated from college that same year. 30, was the beginning of the proverbial ticking clock, I married, and shortly thereafter began raising our family. 40, was no big deal, just mid life and busy working , although I threw a big party for my husband when he reached that point. 50, came and went, and I was entrenched in children in their mid teens and all of the drama that goes with that. Reaching 59, suddenly I was aware I was at the next turning point, the beginning of aging. I kicked that year off with dental redos and a physical that said I needed to lose weight, get more exercise, and become a vitamin-holic. It was the year that I spent a lot of time reminising, just  in case, upon turning 60, I lost my mind.
Well, I am officially 60 and 8 days. I would have liked it to pass quietly. But it seemed family and friends wanted to remind me of the fact in "60" cards, goofy center pieces, and" join the crowd" comments. My kids gasped at the fact, like I already had one foot in the grave. At least they further commented, that I didn't LOOK it, that they thought I was 40 or something. They were being kind.
Do I feel any different?  In mind, I hope I am getting wiser. But my body reminds me that it is slowly aging with lower back aches when sitting or laying just right, thinking a 25 pound bag of bird feed is heavy,  finding it harder and harder to open jars, and getting a little clumsier, tripping over my own feet.
I find it takes longer to do things I used to do, perhaps because of  the luxury of distractions, or just not having to do several things at once anymore.
So bring it on 60, I know that if I want to live another 20 plus years, I have to change things up, a bit. And so this next decade I begin the "age old" work of fine tuning myself so that it goes smoothly.


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