Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Fast Eddy here. I decided that I would take my turn at 089the keys and pound out a few words to you all. So here goes.
A few of you have asked how my rear leg knee surgery is doing from last April. Well, I am glad to report I am back to my old self again. I can run through the deep snow like a pup. Steps are no longer a problem. I can leap about with ease. My doc said I should be good for life, now.

I travel a lot in the “Woofer Mobile” as my friend Ginny calls it. I get the entire back seat so I can see where we are going and easily stick my nose out the window. We make lots of trips between Wisconsin and Michigan. The last time I was back in Michigan was the week before the last Badger run across Lake Michigan. Jane knows I hate the 10 hour truck drives home. I get anxious and worn out from panting the entire trip. So when she goes home in the winter, she parks me at doggy camp, so I can hang with my peeps. It’s kind of fun to be with a lot of other furry friends. Although I don’t appreciate the yippy guys who bark all night. But the kids that work there, really like me and get a 075good chuckle when I have my lamby in my mouth. I am always glad to go there, but happier to leave and get home for some quality peace and quiet.

I also dig doing my daily doggie patrol around the ‘hood. I stamp many of the trees, fire hydrants, and snow banks with my own personal brand of yellow, to let others know I have been there. That’s important.

I must say, I have not appreciated the deep cold weather we have had lately, because if it is too cold Jane does not want to go for very long walks. Plus big paws get cold, too. In the winter we carefully avoid the heavy salt at the intersections. I don’t have the luxury of wearing boots, like Jane.
 I find that I love the taste of winter. Winter is like a giant snow cone, minus the cone.  You know a dog gets thirsty doing a lot of sniffing, so it’s convenient to grab up a chunk of snow as we shuffle down the sidewalk.

Occasionally we are accosted by other four-legged neighbors. I am kind of the bad dude and bark, pull on my leash, and carry on, letting them know not to mess with me. Jane is embarrassed by my behavior, but I tell her to get over it. It IS what it IS! I am Eddy of the Block.
Today we met our bud, Ray, doing his tour around the block with his rolling walker. He likes me and always gives me pets. But he and Jane start talking which can lead to an easy 5 minute chat. I get bored and lay down.

I enjoy patrolling our back yard. There are varmint tracks all over: under the bird feeder and all around the deck. I am figuring it is rabbits, which are probably spending their winter in cozy nests under there. If I could only get off my leash and crawl under there I would have me a rabbit dinner. Oh well.

A couple of my favorite winter activities are playing king of the mountain on the snow banksDec upload 2010 002 and digging holes into the top. After vigorously flinging  snow onto the sidewalk and road, I then nestle in the hole. I like to peruse the block from my lookout and checking for invaders or big brown trucks.

By the way, I am finally getting over my humans leaving me alone at home. We play a game. They hide a few treats around the upstairs. They think that I spend the time they are gone looking for them, and forget to miss them. Actually it only takes me a few minutes to find them. I have them buffaloed.

I will let you in on a little secret. Jane didn’t REALLY retire to marry Jon. She retired because I was lonesome at home. It got down to choosing between work or me, and I am delighted to say she chose me. But speaking of Jon, I like him and he likes me too. He thinks he is the Dog Whisper. I must admit he IS very kind, but firm when working with me. AND he gives me his pizza crust. It can’t get much better than that!

Yawn….this has been fun and I feel a nap over taking me. WOOF!
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